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Getting started with Onchain App Template

This guide uses Onchain App Template.

Create project

Clone the repository using the command below.

git clone

Setup project

To ensure all components work seamlessly, set the following environment variables in your .env file:

Add theses to you .env file:


Install dependencies and run dev server

Execute the following commands:

# Install bun in case you don't have it
bun curl -fsSL <> | bash
# Install packages
bun i
# Run Next app
bun run dev

Test Your Setup

Visit your site locally and click the "Log in" button.

  • A popup window will appear, displaying a Smart Wallet connection option.
  • After connecting, click the "Transact" button.
  • This action will initiate a transaction on Base Sepolia.
  • The gas fees for this transaction will be sponsored by the Coinbase Developer Platform Paymaster.